Auto Repair Insurance Claims
After an accident, the things that are most important to drivers are getting their vehicles back quickly and making sure their vehicle is repaired to the same condition that the vehicle was in prior to the accident. Unfortunately, between the auto body shop and your insurance company, these important things are often overlooked by them in an effort to cut corners and save money.
Whether or not an accident is your fault, and whether or not your own insurance company paid for the repairs, Florida law requires your insurance company to return your car to substantially the same condition as before an accident. If you have had an accident, and an insurance company has paid for the repairs, but your car is not the same, whether because of how it looks or how it operates, we may be able to help.
Usually, when you receive your car back after an accident, you notice little problems that were not fixed correctly. If you try raising these problems to the insurance company or the auto repair shop, most of the time they either ignore your concerns or pass the blame around to somebody else. If you have been through the auto repair claim process, you know that typically one insurance company blames the repair shop, who blames the other insurance company. In other cases, the auto repair shop and insurance company simply say they have done all they can do and leave you to deal with the problems. Militzok & Associates can help you cut through blame game and get your vehicle repaired the way you expect it to be.
We may be able to assist in resolving this problem by having a certified auto repair shop evaluate the repairs that are still necessary to get your car fixed correctly. Once we receive the repair report which outline the still needed and necessary repairs, we will contact all involved parties, whether an insurance company or repair shop, in an effort to get your car fixed right at their expense. If additional repairs are necessary, the insurance company is required to pay for our attorney’s fees so that it doesn’t cost you money out of pocket to hire us.
Usually, when you receive your car back after an accident, you notice little problems that were not fixed correctly. If you try raising these problems to the insurance company or the auto repair shop, most of the time they either ignore your concerns or pass the blame around to somebody else. If you have been through the auto repair claim process, you know that typically one insurance company blames the repair shop, who blames the other insurance company. In other cases, the auto repair shop and insurance company simply say they have done all they can do and leave you to deal with the problems. Militzok & Associates can help you cut through blame game and get your vehicle repaired the way you expect it to be.
We may be able to assist in resolving this problem by having a certified auto repair shop evaluate the repairs that are still necessary to get your car fixed correctly. Once we receive the repair report which outline the still needed and necessary repairs, we will contact all involved parties, whether an insurance company or repair shop, in an effort to get your car fixed right at their expense. If additional repairs are necessary, the insurance company is required to pay for our attorney’s fees so that it doesn’t cost you money out of pocket to hire us.