Identity Theft
Florida is ranked first in the United States for the number of identity theft and fraud complaints per capita. If you are the victim of identity theft and you have negative marks on your credit report from the unauthorized use of your credit, contact us for a no-cost consultation. By law, you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report one time each year. To obtain a free copy of your credit report, visit We are able to take these types of cases on a contingency basis which means we are able to take on these cases at no cost to you.
Credit and debit card receipts: The Firm is accepting new cases for electronically printed credit or debit card receipts provided in Florida after December 4, 2006 which show any digits of your credit or debit card number other than the last five, and receipts provided after June 3, 2008 which display your credit or debit card’s expiration date. You may be entitled to statutory damages of $100-$1,000 per violation.