Partnership Disputes
Resolving Disputes While Preserving Business Value
Many of our clients who come see us about a partnership or closely-held business dispute wish to resolve their conflicts as amicably as possible so that they can maintain normal business operations. However, such clients also have concerns about the integrity of a business partner’s actions, perceptions of unfairness and issues of control and decision-making power must be objectively evaluated and addressed before that can happen. The attorneys at Militzok & Associates can help you fully evaluate the situation and advise you of all of the options you may have to effectively address the issues with a focus on preserving the business value that you have worked so hard to build. Drawing upon our experience in this area, we are able to deliver creative, cost-effective solutions through negotiation and/or mediation.
Business Litigation
In those situations where out-of-court solutions are not feasible, you can have confidence in the attorneys at Militzok & Associates that your interests are being protected by an experienced business litigation team. Our experienced attorneys will fight hard to ensure that your rights as a business owner are protected to the greatest extent under the law.